Friday 12 April 2013

"Roast Chicken"

Funny-Skinny-Healthy roast Chicken!

I love roast Chicken,but it can really ruin your figure if you eat it to often.
Now I found a way to eat it every time I am in the mood for delicious roast Chicken.I simply take of the skin and the excess fat.
Do you know that you safe about 75% of the calories if you do that. Isn't that amazing,75% of all calories!
It is not as difficult as you would think,just give it a try it's worth it,really.
The best way is if you cut of the legs and wings first.So you can take of the skin separably.To safe cooking time cut the backbone of the Chicken,so it becomes a butterfly chicken.   
When you are finish with that,use some Olive Oil to cover it with.
I know you think you had all the work with taking of all the fat of the chicken and now you should put Oil on it. Believe me it will make it moist and delicious. Since Olive Oil has only the good fat's it makes the Chicken even more healthy.
Now season the Chicken.You can do any flavour you like.My favourite is spicy Paprika Chicken.


  • 1 Chicken
  • Olive Oil
  • Chicken seasoning
  • hot Chilly powder
  • Paprika  
  • Trimmings (like Peppers, frozen Carrots or any other Vegetables you fancy)

Put the Paprika as the last layer of the seasoning,then take your flat hands and press them slightly onto the Chicken so that the seasoning dose not lay loosely.  
Next just put the Trimmings on the same tray under and around the Chicken,sprinkling with same Olive Oil and seasoning.
Put into the oven at 180 for a about 40 min.,turn up to 250 for the last 5 min. for a medium Chicken.
Take out,let stand for 5 min.
Big Tip: add some Beer to the tray.
That makes the Chicken more moist and cooks the vegetables better.
Then enjoy without guilty feelings time and time again.
